


在全国的学校系统中, there has been an increased demand for teachers in the challenging and richly rewarding field of special education. 在我们的B中.S. in special education, you choose from one of three concentrations:

  • Mild to moderate disabilities (certifying you to teach students with mild to moderate disabilities in grades 1-6).
  • Mild to moderate disabilities and severe intellectual disabilities (certifying you to teach students with mild to moderate disabilities in grades 1-6 and severe intellectual disabilities from preschool to age 22).
  • Severe intellectual disabilities (certifying you to teach students with severe intellectual disabilities from preschool to age 22).

注意: B.S. 在初等特殊教育中是同程序的 B.S. 在初等教育中,专注于特殊教育 这是由初等教育部提供的. 




W​hy or in what ways is writing important to your discipline/field/profession?

Our mission is to prepare teacher candidates to communicate effectively, 口头及书面, 作为特殊教育专业人士. Writing is important for teacher candidates because special educators must show competence in this skill in order to communicate with and gain the trust of families and community, 参与评估报告, 为学生编写个性化的教育方案, 清晰的教学计划, and participate in academic writing as part of service to professional organizations, 研究团队, 以及其他委员会. Ultimately our teacher candidates need to show competence in the many purposes of writing so that they can serve as models to the students that they teach.

Which courses are designated as satisfying the 纪律写作 (WID) requirement by your department? 为什么选这些课程?

SPED 210:支持社会,情感和行为学习
SPED 412: Intensive Intervention in Literacy (Elementary Special Education)
SPED 435:评估/指导:有SID的年轻学生

The chosen courses address the outcomes associated with preparing teacher candidates to communicate effectively 作为特殊教育专业人士. These courses are well-suited to teaching disciplinary and professional writing.

In SPED 202 students learn to write a case study which includes summary and analysis of a student and school environments, 学生个性化教育计划(IEP)综述, 残障的文献回顾与反思.

In SPED 210 students learn to write the foundations of a functional behavior assessment, 当前的性能报表水平, 年度目标, short term objectives and an analysis and summary of educational environments.

In SPED 312 students learn to write a case study that includes the collection, 组织, 数据的显示和汇总. 这些信息被用来编写教案.

In SPED 412 teacher candidates develop proficiency by using the Teacher Candidate Mini Work Sample (TCMWS). The TCMWS is used to summarize student progress and plan intervention, including writing an evaluation report and learning goals as part of the IEP and design for 指导ion (student learning objectives, 单元计划, 和课程计划).

SPED 435适用于也参加SID集中的学生. In SPED 435 students will write unit and 课程计划 which will include student strengths and needs, 目前的表现水平, 年度目标, 短期目标.

What forms or genres of writing will students learn and practice in your department’s WID courses? 为什么会有这些类型?

Students in the Elementary Special Education program should expect to engage in three broad forms of writing:

  • 学术写作;学术写作.g.(文献综述)、报告、案例研究)
  • 专业(等电位点, 报告, 课程计划, 与学生沟通, 家庭及社区伙伴)
  • 反映ive (looking back on teaching, learning from work to improve teaching and learning)

All of the writing in which students engage will help them learn to:

  • 合作
  • 评估
  • 分析
  • 评估
  • 总结
  • 提出建议
  • 设计和创造
  • 反映

What kinds of teaching practices will students encounter in your department’s WID courses?

Special education teacher candidates will have opportunities to read model pieces in a variety of genres and discuss characteristics of effective writing, 确定写作主题, 与教授进行一对一的写作会议, 与小的同伴小组分享写作并接受反馈.

当他们满足了你部门的WID要求时, 学生应该知道和能够做什么写作?

When special education teacher candidates complete our WID courses, they will be able to develop proficiency in monitoring student learning growth, 设计指导, 并与其他专业人士和家长沟通. They should know that professional writing has the power to inform, 指导, 分析, 启发和反思.

